Master on Ships Less Than 200 GT in Near-Coastal Voyages (NCV)

About Course:

The Program was designed in accordance with international and national marine standards to train, develop and provide the learner with the required knowledge and skills for acting as Master NCV less than 200t.

Course Type:

COC Upgrade and License

Course Objectives:

This course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for seafarers to act as master NCV in accordance with STCW Code Table A-II/3 and STCW Reg II/3 paragraph 7.

The candidate at the end of the course will be able to carry out the following NCV functions.

• NCV Navigation.

• NCV Cargo handling and stowage.

• Controlling the operation of the NCV and care for persons on board.

Course Information:

• Plan and conduct a coastal passage and determine position.

• Monitor the loading, stowage, securing and unloading of cargoes and their care during the voyage.

• Demonstrate the ability to assess situation & ship control.

• Navigate narrow channels, maneuver the ship conduct towing, pushing operations.

• Maintain seaworthiness of the ship.

• Maintain a State of readiness.

Course Assessment Method:

• The candidate is required to prove competency through written, practical, and oral assessments.

• Assessment is conducted either at SMA facility under the supervision of the administration or at a place determined

by the administration

Delivery Method:

blend between Lecture Based, Guided Instruction, Discussions, Active Learning and Simulations to achieve the program objectives.


20 Days

Course Date:

07 April 2025

Entry Requirements:

• Be at least 20 years old.

• Must meet medical fitness standards as per administration guidelines, supported by a report from a medical practitioner approved by the Maritime Administration.

• Complete an approved seagoing service of one of the approved documents for sea service.

General Requirements:

• Complete and pass the approved education and training program meeting the standard of competence specified in section A-II/3 of the STCW Code, each competence can be limited to be satisfying the scope of small ships less than 200 GT and engaged in near-coastal voyages, as per STCW Reg II/3 paragraph 7.

• Complete and pass the Maritime Administration’s assessment after completion of the approved education and training program, ancillary and safety courses.

Approved Document for Sea Service.

Sea-Time requirements might include but not be limited to the followings:

Option 1:

With a completed Training Record Book:

6 months onboard commercial ships of at least 80 GT, or more than 24 meters in length conducting near-coastal or international voyages within 12 months after the completion of the approved education and training program.

Option 2:

For seafarers holding STCW COP as per regulations II/4 or II/5, with a minimum 3 months sea service:

9 months onboard commercial ships of at least 80 GT, or more than 24 meters in length conducting near-coastal or international voyages on the role of navigational watchkeeping.

Option 3

Employed as a deck seafarer for either tug or offshore vessel, with total onboard tenure of either 12 months or 11 months followed by 1 month in a simulator within the last three years.

Documented evidence required to support this experience.

For vessels that operate permanently inside port, territorial waters, maritime administration will decide for each case.

Maritime Training Admin.

 Phone: +971 9 2089 623 


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