Adesh Joshi
Dean of College
Office: +9719 2089 602

Benham, R., Rehman, F., & Joshi,A. (2023). An investigation into the exploratory use of additive manufacturing in drum gate design for open channel flow. In A. Thomas, L.
Murphy, W. Morris, V. Dispenza, &D. Jones (Eds.), Advances in Manufacturing
Technology XXXVI: Proceedings of the20th International Conference on Manufacturing
Research, Incorporating the 37thNational Conference on Manufacturing Research, 6th – 8th September 2023, Aberystwyth University, UK (pp. 53-58). IOS Press.(Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering).
Joshi, A., Haghdousti, M. Buckley&, Usher, L. (2023). International Academic
Collaborator, Seafaring Engineering in Indonesia. International Labour Organisation.
Davis, C., Haghdousti, M., Joshi, A.,& Ridley, J. (2022). Euro-ZA: Capacity Building in the Field of Maritime Education Final Facilities Report Work Package 2.3. Solent University.
Davis, C., & Joshi, A.(2018-2022). Euro-ZA Capacity building in the field of maritime education. European Commission. Solent University.
Davis, C, Haghdousti, M, Joshi, A& Ridley, J (2022), Euro-ZA: Capacity Building in the
Field of Maritime Education, Final Facilities Report Work Package 2.3. Solent University.
Bhuiyan, Z., Saunders, J. & Joshi,A., 2021, (In preparation): A comparison of the usefulness of Sea Traffic Management (STM) Services in differing Navigation Scenarios using connected Maritime Simulation Network, In - Maritime Policy and Management.
Ridley, J., Davis, C., Joshi, A. &Stickland, K., (2020), Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Maritime Education Work Package 2.4. Solent University.
Project reports
A Joshi, A., Haghdousti, M. Buckley &, Usher, L.(2023). International Academic
Collaborator, Seafaring Engineering in Indonesia. International Labour Organisation.
Davis, C., Haghdousti, M., Joshi, A.,& Ridley, J. (2022). Euro-ZA: Capacity Building in the Field of Maritime Education Final Facilities Report Work Package 2.3. SolentUniversity.
Davis, C., & Joshi, A.(2018-2022). Euro-ZA Capacity building in the field of maritime education. European Commission. Solent University.
Davis, C, Haghdousti, M, Joshi, A& Ridley, J (2022), Euro-ZA: Capacity Building in the
Field of Maritime Education, Final Facilities Report Work Package 2.3. Solent University.
Bhuiyan, Z., Saunders, J. & Joshi,A., 2021, (In preparation): A comparison of the usefulness of Sea Traffic Management (STM) Services in differing Navigation Scenarios using a connected Maritime Simulation Network, In - Maritime Policy and Management.
Ridley, J., Davis, C., Joshi, A. &Stickland, K., (2020), Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Maritime Education Work Package 2.4. Solent University.
uthor1,A., Author2, A., Author 3, A. (Year of publication). Title of the report. Publisher of the report. Place published. Weblink.
Conference papers
Benham, R., Rehman, F., & Joshi,A. (2023). An investigation into the exploratory use of additive manufacturing in drum gate design for open channel flow. In A. Thomas, L.
Murphy, W. Morris, V. Dispenza, &D. Jones (Eds.), Advances in Manufacturing
Technology XXXVI: Proceedings of the20th International Conference on Manufacturing
Research, Incorporating the 37thNational Conference on Manufacturing Research, 6th – 8th September 2023, Aberystwyth University, UK (pp. 53-58). IOS Press.(Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering).
Dr (Capt) Adesh Joshi is a Dean at the Sharjah Maritime Academy. With a PhD in Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education from University of Southampton (UK), seafaring experience of nearly two decades, coupled with two and half decade’s experience in higher education, of which over a decades’ experience in academic leadership roles, Dr Joshi has led the launching of international academic programs through international research funding in South Africa and Indonesia. His work focuses on international collaboration in higher education sector, and he is passionate about creating an inclusive and dynamic learning environment for students and faculty.