Dr. Hongseok Bae

Head of Marine Engineering Technology Department

Office: +971 9 2089 675 

Email: Hongseok.Bae@sma.ac.ae 

  1. Mauro F., Vassalos D., Paterson D., Bae H., Mauro F., Conti F. (2024), “Real-time collision damages for the flooding risk assessment of passenger ships, Advances in the Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures, ICCGS 2023, pp. 173 - 181
  1. Bae, H., Vassalos, D., Paterson, D., Mauro, F. (2023), “Ship damage stability enhancement through crashworthiness”, Proceedings of ISSW 2023.
  1. Vassalos, D., Paterson, D., Mauro, F., Bae, H. (2023), “Flooding risk assessment of Motor barcas operating in the Philippines”, Proceedings of ISSW 2023.
  1. Vassalos, D., Paterson, D., Mauro, F., Bae, H. (2023), ”Real-time risk onboard flooding risk assessment for passenger ships for ship to ship collisions”, Proceedings of ISSW 2023.
  1. Vassalos, D., Paterson, D., Mauro, F., Bae, H. (2023), “Damage Stability Enhancement through Crashworthiness”, Proceedings of ISSW 2023.
  1. Mauro, F., Vassalos, D., Paterson, D., Bae, H., Conti, F. (2023), “Real-time collision damages for the flooding risk assessment of passenger ships”, Advances in the Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore structures.
  1. Mauro, F., Vassalos, D., Paterson, D., Bae, H. (2023), “Shallow water resistance estimation for semi-displacement slender ships”, Proceedings of HSMV conference.
  1. Mauro, F., Vassalos, D., Paterson, D., Bae, H. (2023), “Damage stability of passenger ships: a multi-modal analysis of time to capsizes”, Proceedings of ISSW 2023.
  1. Mauro, F., Nabergoj, R. (2023), “The use of differential evolution algorithms to determine ship roll damping coefficients from decay data”, Invited keynote speech at INT NAM 2023.
  1. Vassalos, D., Mauro, F., Paterson, D., Salem, A., Bae, H. (2023), ”The importance of first-principles tools to increase safety in the design of passenger ships”, Submitted to IMDC Conference.
  1. Vassalos, D., Paterson, D., Mauro, F., Bae, H., Salem, A. (2023) “Modernisation of Domestic Ro-Ro Passenger Ships Operating in the Philippines”, Submitted to IMDC conference.  
  1. BAE, H., VASSALOS, BOULOUGOURIS, E. 2022. Alternative Design Approach for Ship Damage Stability Enhancement based on Crashworthiness. Conference: The 14th Annual International Marine Design Conference (IMDC2022). Vancouver, Canada.
  1. BAE, H., VASSALOS, D., PATERSON, D., MUJEEB-AHMED, M. & BOULOUGOURIS, E. 2021. The Effectiveness of Crashworthiness as a Damage Stability Risk Control Option. Conference: 1st International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB&S 2021). Glasgow, UK.
  1. BAE, H., DRACOS, V. & BOULOUGOURIS, E. 2020. Methodology in Risk-based Crashworthiness to improve ship Survivability in a seaway. International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures, ICSOS 2020. Ships and Offshore Structures.
  1. KIM, S. J., TAIMURI, G., KUJALA, P., CONTI, F., LE SOURNE, H., PINEAU, J.-P., LOOTEN, T., BAE, H., MUJEEB-AHMED, M. & VASSALOS, D. 2022. Comparison of numerical approaches for structural response analysis of passenger ships in collisions and groundings. Marine Structures, 81, 103125.
  1. LE SOURNE, H., PINEAU, J., KIM, S., CONTI, F., KAYDIHAN, L., BAE, H., VASSALOS, D., KUJALA, P. & HIRDARIS, S. A comparison of crashworthiness methods for the assessment of ship damage extents. 1st International Conference on the Stability and Safety of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, 2021.

Professor Hongseok Bae began his professional career at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME), an engineering company and shipyard, in South Korea in 2005, as a naval architect and project manager. For 15 years, he conducted basic, detailed and production designs, as well as shipyard site work such as harbour/sea trials in his early career. He was also in charge of ship technical documents, drawings and cost estimation for bidding projects, with a wide range of different ship types from commercial vessels (e.g. passenger ships, offshore support vessels and tankers) to military vessels (e.g. Corvette, Submarine rescue vessels, Auxiliary oiler and replenishment ships). Based on these practical ship design experiences, he achieved an MSc degree with distinction at the University of Southampton (UK) and a PhD degree with a full PhD scholarship at the University of Strathclyde (UK). He was interested in how to derivative energy efficiency Operation Index (EEOI) from actual operating ships with their AIS Data for his MSc thesis, and was selected as the representative of Southampton University with the honour of giving a presentation in front of UK Princess Ann. Then, he focused on more practical ship design solutions for PhD research on how to increase ship survivability using crashworthiness analysis. With this interesting topic, he took part in an EU-funded project with a ship collision/grounding crashworthiness analysis and several others. As a result of his innovative research, he published several conference and journal papers successfully so far and plans to develop his research topic in more detail and practical solutions.

As a highly talented professional and researcher, he is fully prepared to share his accumulated practical knowledge and skills with students and colleagues and looking forward to enhancing and expanding his research areas in Sharjah Maritime Academy.

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