Nicola Butt
Head of Maritime logistics & supply chain department
Office: +971 9 2089 594

Project reports
Butt, N., Pike K. (2005).The role of Southampton as a major cruise destination. Report to NewEpoc partners. Renewing Economic Prosperity for Port Cities (EU Funded Project – NewEpoc Programme). The future role of Southampton as a major cruise destination and home port
Butt N. (2006). Ship to Ship Transfers consultation report for WWF-UK - Firth of Forth consultation on Ship to Ship Transfers. Consultation response to the MCA on behalf of WWF-UK to enable Policy Recommendation
Butt, N., Johnson, D. (2006). NEAME Evaluation report for WWF-UK. Evaluation of the North east Atlantic Marine Eco-region (NEAME) programme
Butt, N. , Johnson (2006). The Sea Empress disaster: 10 years on. An overview of shipping activities in UK waters. Guildford: WWF-UK . Review of events surrounding the grounding of the Sea Empress, including environmental impacts of the grounding and the lessons learnt
Butt N. (2007). Forecasting nitrogen deposition from shipping and transport in the OSPAR region. On behalf of OSPAR commission identifying methods and models available that may be used in future to forecast levels of nitrogen deposition in the sea. Report of findings for OSPAR Commission
Butt N, Gallagher A, Vigar N, Wright P. Thatcher K. Final Report to CWSS. Available from: Evaluation of the Wadden Sea Particularly sensitive Sea Area. On behalf of the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat.
Pike K, Butt N., Johnson D., Walmsley S. Report on Global Shipping Initiatives: Audit and Overview 2011. Available from: Review of Green Shipping Initiatives: Research on behalf of WWF into changes and developments with respect to ‘Green Shipping’.
Pike K., Butt N., Pryce-Roberts N., Vigar N., (2013) 15 years of shipping accidents: a review for WWF. Available from: Review of 15 years of shipping accidents: Research on behalf of WWF and Royal Sun Alliance evaluating flag states performance against shipping accidents
Butt N, Wright.P., 2016. Protecting EBSAs and opportunities for the IMO. Available from:
Butt N., Pike K., 2019. Sustainability in Shipping: Collaborative research with the Sustainable Shipping Initiative reviewing industry approaches to identify best practice for success.
Pike K., Butt N., Broadhurst E., Passman K., Wincott C., 2019. An Examination of the key benefits of assigning stable or fluid crews within the Merchant Shipping Industry. Solent University
Butt N. (2007). The impact of cruise ship generated waste on home ports and ports of call: A study of Southampton. Marine Policy. 31(2007) 591-598.
Bhuiyan Z., Butt N., Autonomous Ports – Benefits and Challenges. Seaways. November 2023
Conference papers
Butt N., D. Johnson, S. Walmsley (2005). Protecting Marine Protected Areas from the threats posed by International Shipping. Conference proceedings, IMPAC1. Geelong, Australia.
Pike K., Broadhurst E., Butt N., Passman K., Wincott C., 2019. Effective Crew Project: Stable versus Fluid crewing strategies. Findings delivered at Conference at the IMO 31st January 2019.
Nicola is the Head of Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain at Sharjah Maritime Academy. Prior to this Nicola worked as a lecturer and led the Maritime Business and Shipping courses at Warsash Maritime Academy, Solent university for 20 years. During this time she obtained an M.Phil and Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. Nicola has extensive experience in course development and advanced professional practices, leading on internationalization strategies and participating in accreditation events working with institutions in the UK, Greece, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, UAE and Sri Lanka. Nicola started her maritime career as a cadet and qualified as a Navigation Officer, and worked in a variety of shore based roles across the maritime industry prior to entering academia which has given her an in depth understanding across the industry. Research interests include protection of the marine environment from the impact of shipping, sustainability, inclusion and diversity of the shipping industry and vessel operations and management. Nicola has undertaken research projects on behalf of the EU, OSPAR, TK Foundation, Lloyd’s Register Foundation and WWF-UK