Prof. Syamantak Bhattacharya
Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Office: +971 9 2089 650
- 2015-2018: Worker representation in European Union funded by European Agency for Safety and Health and Work for a total funding amount of €500,000.
- 2015-2017: Co-PI in the Investigation of Regulating and managing risks in coal-mines – an evaluation of global practice funded by Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) for a total amount of £150,000.
- 2013-2015: Co-PI in the investigation of Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) jointly funded project on Safety and Health in Global Container Ports for a total amount of £200,000.
- 2014-2016: Research on Maria Tsakos Foundation funded project on the role of technology integration in maritime transportation for a total amount of $12,000.
- 2012-2013: Co-PI in the investigation of International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) funded project on 'Worker accident rates and safety practice in the global container ports industry: a comparative analysis of the practices and performance of Global Network Terminal Operators’ for a total amount of £75,000.
- 2009-2011: Academic Supervisor on Knowledge Transfer Partnership with WGP, Bude, UK on developing a computer-based safety management system for its fleet of seismic survey ships for a total funding amount of £73,454.
Selected Publications:
- Tang L & Bhattacharya S (2021) ‘Revisiting the shortage of seafarer officers: a new approach to analysing statistical data’, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. Published online 28 October 2021 [10.1007/s13437-021-00252-0]
- Devereux H, Wadsworth E & Bhattacharya S (2020) ‘Workplace fiddles in the shipping industry’, Employee Relations, 42 (4) 933-948 [
- Walters D, Wadsworth E & Bhattacharya S (2020) ‘What about the workers? — Experiences of arrangements for safety and health in global container terminals’ Safety Science 121 (2020) 474-484 []
- Bhardwaj S, Bhattacharya S, Tang L & Howell K (2019) ‘Technology introduction on ships: The tension between safety and economic rationality’ Safety Science 115 (2019) 329-338 []
- Seo Y J, Ha M H, Yang Z & Bhattacharya S (2018) ‘The Ship Management Firm Selection: The Case of South Korea’ The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics 34(3) 256-265 []
- Tang L & Bhattacharya S (2018) ‘Beyond the management–employee dyad: supply chain initiatives in shipping’ Industrial Relations Journal 49(3), 196-210 [doi: 10.1111/irj.12210]
- Gekara V & Bhattacharya S (2018) Book Chapter: Standardisation of Seafarer Training and Skills Formation: the challenges of diversity in International Maritime Education and Training. In Fei J (ed) Managing Human Resources in the Shipping Industry: Aspects of HRM and Knowledge Management pp37-54
- Howell K & Bhattacharya S (2016) ‘Functional and Territorial Jurisdictions: Regulating a Globalized Shipping Industry’ Journal of Transport Geography 55(2016), 92-100. [doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.07.010]
- Walters D, James P, Sampson H, Bhattacharya S & Conghua X (2016) ‘Supply chain leverage and regulating health and safety management in shipping’ Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations (RI/IR) 71(1), 33-56. [doi: 10.7202/1035901ar]
- Wadsworth E, Bhattacharya S & Walters D. (2015) ‘Representing workers on arrangements for occupational health and safety in a global industry: dockworkers experiences in two countries’ Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 13(2), 87-107. [doi: 10.1080/14774003.2015.11667819]
- Rodrigues VS, Beresford A, Pettit S, Bhattacharya S & Harris I (2014) 'Assessing the Cost and Co2e Impacts of Re-routeing UK Import Containers' Transportation Research Part A (61), 53 – 67. [doi:10.1016/j.tra.2013.12.002]
- Bhattacharya S & Tang L (2013) 'Fatigued for safety? Supply chain occupational health and safety initiatives in shipping' Economic and Industrial Democracy 34(3), 382 – 398. [doi:10.1177/0143831X12439760]
- Bhattacharya S & Tang L (2013) 'Middle managers' role in safeguarding OHS: The case of the shipping industry' Safety Science 51(1), 63 – 68. [doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2012.05.015]
- Bhattacharya S (2012) 'Sociological factors influencing the practice of incident reporting: the case of the shipping industry' Employee Relations 34(1) 4 – 21 [
- Bhattacharya S (2012) 'The effectiveness of the ISM Code: A qualitative enquiry' Marine Policy 36 (2), 528 – 535. [doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2011.09.004]
- Bhattacharya S & Tang L (2011) 'Power and Resistance: A Case Study of Satire on the Internet' Sociological Research Online 16 (2). [doi: 10.5153/sro.2375].
Selected Conference Papers:
- 2021. ‘Globalisation and the relationships between state, employer and labour’ in Solent University’s Virtual Professorial Lecture Series inaugural session on 22 Jan
- 2019. Panel Discussion member on ‘What would a digital competence framework for shipping include?’ in the CrewConnect Global Conference & Exhibition in Manila, the Philippines on 19 Nov
- 2019. Panel Discussion member on ‘The future of maritime education’ as part of the Maritime UK Education Showcase during London International Shipping Week in London on 10 Sep
- 2017. ‘The reality of working in the maritime transport sector’ in: European Transport Workers Federation seminar titled Seafarers Matter in Brussels, Belgium, 28 Feb (Invited speaker)
- 2015. ‘Riding the wave of corporate freedom: a comparative study on practices of worker employment and management of workplace health and safety in the maritime and dock sectors’ in: International Conference on Regulation, Change and the Work Environment, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, 30 Nov – 02 Dec
- 2014. ‘Workplace OHS in shipping and container port dock-work’ Academic Seminar, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India, 19 Aug
- 2014. ‘The role of trade unions in supporting and promoting worker participation in health and safety within a globalised industry: dock-workers’ experiences in container terminals in Australia and India’ Governance Change and Work Environment Symposium, Cardiff, 1-2 Jul
- 2013. ‘Looking for efficiency in the Indian container ports: where are the port workers in this debate?’ International Conference on Supply Chain & Logistics Management, Delhi, 5-7 Dec
- 2013. ‘Plight of Indian container port workers; Seminar in Department of Sociology, Bombay University, Mumbai, 27 Nov
- 2013. ‘Regulating globalised business through functionalism: lessons from the international maritime tanker industry’, British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool, 10-12 Sep
- 2012. ‘Regulating through supply chain: the case of the shipping industry’, Seminar presentation at IIM Bangalore, 18 May
- 2012. ‘Flag State, Port State and Oil Majors – who regulates the oil tankers?’, Seminar presentation at IIM Indore, 15 May
- 2012. ‘Regulatory challenges in global industry’, Seminar presentation at IIM Kozhikode, 02 May
- 2012. ‘Management tools at the heart of major changes in the maritime world’ MARISK, 4th International Forum on Maritime and Port Risk Prevention, Nantes, France 26-27 Jan. (Invited speaker)
- 2011. ‘Fatigued for safety? Supply chain initiative in the management of OHS: the case of the tanker industry’. Industrial Engineering and Management, IIT Kharagpur, India; 14 Nov. (Invited speaker)
- 2011. ‘Middle Managers; role in safeguarding workers’ health and safety: a case of leadership on board international oil tankers’. National Convention on Responsible Leadership at XLRI Jamshedpur, India; 11-13 Nov
- 2011. 'Managing health and safety through the supply chain: a case study of supply chain influence in the shipping industry’ (co-authored), SIRC symposium, Cardiff University, UK; 06-07 Jul.
- 2011. ‘The ISM Code: just an overrated tool?’ in The International Maritime Human Element Bulletin Issue No 26, May
- 2011. 'The determinants of the ISM Code' International Conference on Marine and Maritime Affairs, University of Plymouth. 04-05 Apr
- 2011. 'Risk Management on Ships: Theory and Practice of the ISM Code'. Health and safety in the Boat and Shipbuilding Industry Seminar hosted by the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the UK. London 24 Feb. (Invited speaker)
- 2011. 'Safety Management System and Communities of Practice: do they complement?' Capitalism and Work Conference, Cardiff University, 12 Jan
- 2010. 'Oil Pollution Prevention from Ocean Going Tankers’. University of Plymouth Marine Institute Public Event, 18 Nov. (Invited speaker)
- 2010. 'Estimating the Economic and Environmental Costs and Benefits of Re-directing UK Import Containers' (co-authored). Logistic Research Network (LRN) Conference, Harrogate, UK, Sep 08-10
- 2010. 'Seafarers’ dilemma in the practice of incident reporting.' International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 05-07 Jul
- 2010. 'Managing Safety'. Nautical Institute West of England Branch Meet, Plymouth UK, 19 Jan. (Invited speaker)
- 2009. 'Impact of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code on Occupational Health and Safety in the Maritime Industry.' Fellowship Programme and Research Seminar, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India, 10 Sep. (Invited speaker)
- 2008. ‘OHS management in maritime industry’ Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) Mumbai, 15 Oct. (Invited speaker)
- 2007. 'Inspection and Control in Regulating the Occupational Health and Safety in the Tanker Industry: the Perspective of the Regulated'. Work Employment and Society Conference, Aberdeen University, UK, 12-14 Sep.
- 2007. 'Regulatory influences on safety standards in the shipping industry.' Joint Meeting of the Professional Societies, HQS Wellington, London, UK in 03 Sep. (Invited speaker)
- 2007. 'Safety Culture: The influence of the ISM Code.' Maritime Administration Seminar, World Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden 27-29 Aug. (Invited speaker)
- 2007. 'Seafarers’ participation in safety management on board cargo ships'. SIRC Symposium, Cardiff University, UK, 04-05 Jul (Invited speaker).
- 2006. 'ISM Research: Overcoming Barriers'. In: Reportism. Vol: 5(Nov 2006) p: 6-7
- 2006. 'ISM: A Way of Life'. In: Reportism. Vol: 4 (Aug 2006) p:6
- 2006. 'How well does the safety code really work?’ In: The Sea. London: The Mission to Seafarers. Vol: 182 (Jul/Aug 2006) p: 4.
Professor Syamantak Bhattacharya has 35 years of professional knowledge and expertise in education, research, and the maritime industry, including a decade of leadership experience at the Board, Executive, and Operation levels.
Professor Bhattacharya is a strategic leader. As the Provost (Chief Academic Officer), Pro Vice-Chancellor of Research, and Dean of the world's most prestigious Maritime School at Solent University, he has transformed operations, enhanced international engagement, and driven research and revenue generation. His successful delivery of major change management and talent identification and development initiatives have been instrumental. Under his leadership, Solent University was awarded the highly prestigious Triple TEF Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)2023 results, a testament to his exceptional academic leadership.
Professor Bhattacharya has routinely engaged with Ministers, Parliamentary Committees, Local Council Leaders, Government Officials, and Businesses both in the UK and globally. In his current role as the Provost and Vice Chancellor Academic at Sharjah Maritime Academy, he leads its academic provisions and advises the Senior Ministries in the Government of Sharjah.
Dr Bhattacharya read for his PhD in Sociology in Shipping, funded by the Nippon Foundation Fellowship, from the Seafarers International Research Centre at Cardiff University. He has since regularly produced research outputs, presented at academic and industry conferences, won competitive national and international academic funding, successfully supervised PhDs and delivered consultancy work. In recognition of his significant contributions to research and education, the India Government's Ministry of External Affairs honoured him with the prestigious Hind Rattan (Jewel of India) Award in 2020, further highlighting his dedication and impact in his field.
Before moving into academia, Captain Bhattacharya had 15 years of experience sailing on international oil trade in the maritime industry. He swiftly advanced to ship captain with Denholm Ship Management and to a senior management position at Chemoil Corporation in Singapore. With a passion for seafaring, he achieved the milestone of commanding his first ship at 30.
Syamantak was born and raised in Calcutta, India, before joining the merchant navy in 1989 and working in the sector until 2004. He has lived in the UK since then, where he continues to have his family home. Recently, he moved to work at Sharjah Maritime Academy, located on the eastern shores of the Emirate of Sharjah in the UAE.