Basic Training for Liquified Gas Tanker Cargo Operations

Maritime Training
STCW Courses

About Course:

Comprises a basic training program for officers and ratings appropriate to their duties, including basic training for liquefied gas tanker safety, fire safety measures, pollution prevention, safe operational practice and obligations under applicable law and regulations. The course covers the competence requirements as given in the table under Section A-V/1-2-1 of the STCW Code adopted by the STCW convention 1978 as amended in 2010.

Course Type:

Simulator Course

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, trainee should be able to:

• Carry out specific duties during loading, unloading and care in transit or handling of cargo on liquefied

gas tankers.

• Perform a safer and more effective contribution to the operation on a liquefied gas tanker, which will

improve the ship safety and provide greater protection to the environment.

• Demonstrate an understanding of tanker safety, fire safety measures and firefighting and pollution

prevention on board tanker vessels.

Course Information:

• Knowing the meaning and requirements of the different protection levels

• Recognizing and detecting dangerous and harmful substances and objects

• Recognizing potential threats without distinction as to race, culture, gender, language, ethnicity, etc.

• Knowing emergency procedures and contingency plans

• Operating security equipment effectively.

Course Assessment Method:

• Written Exam

Delivery Method:

The course training will be a blend of:

• Classroom lectures.

• Simulator Training.


4 Days

Course Date:

10 February 2025



Maritime Training Admin.

 Phone: +971 9 2089 623 


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